A Poem.

Poem by Shazia K. Farook

Behind the screen of insta this and insta that
Not seeing the erosion of basic healthy interaction

In real life
There is no filter, no crop, no edit
Just love yourself, i mean like yourself, can you pin it? 
Photo me, photo you, yeah you know just what to do.
Used to be a game where you run and touch the person ahead of you and that was your
Instant connection. 

But now it’s just virtual interaction.
Personal disconnection. 

When I was young our imaginations ran wild as we ran across the grass, in the bushes, in the alleys, climbing the walls

Now we don’t climb those walls;
We build firewalls.

Some of us need to go back to the time we used to talk it out in real life
And walk it out in real life
And don’t make it out to be an unreal life

The digital screen can be a jail sometimes 
Make you fail sometimes
Cause you to derail at times

We’re not perfect, none of us
But delusion can have its way with us.

So to those who are hiding and forgetting their natural state
Go out, breathe deep, let’s all reinvigorate.